Slokas for children

Category : Music Audio

Language : Sanskrit

Genre : Shloka

Released : 2007

Star Cast & Info : -

Synopsis :

Everyone in this world wants their children to be brought up in an environment, conducive to their physical and mental health. Of course, when the minds of the children are tuned towards the spiritual songs, their thought, attitude, behavior, character, speech and in short their way of life gets transformed and their personality gets enhanced. The brain of children being tuned by the Sanskrit pronunciation becomes free from viruses and gains power. Never the less such children would be the better citizens with skill, efficiency and moral courage and shine as scientists and so on. These may look like tall claims. But our ancestors knew the efficacy of teaching slokas and hence they had followed an unwritten custom. The faith in our ancestors and their custom would no doubt prove fruitful. For the value of this training, the children will thanks the parents when they grow old.

Country of Origin : India